A Walk to Remember
I’ve always wanted to start the first blog post of the year in good spirts, and with some kind of upbeat news.
Perhaps it’s the winter - it always gets me good. 😪
As I spent the last few days thinking about an appropriate post to start the year, my thoughts have always drifted back to my mother-in-law, Anneliese. My world’s been a little colder since we lost her last year, on 5 June.
It was hard to pretend that things were fine last Christmas. We missed her at the dinner table. We missed her when we played cards. We missed her Christmas cookies and gentle voice. I miss her hugs… you know how some people aren’t great to hug? Like maybe a little too bony or something? Anneliese was great - she was a little chubby, so I had always felt like I was hugging a warm Haribo gummy bear.
I thought of her lots on Christmas morning when we went out for a walk.
I get to share my father-in-law with my sister who flew in from Malta to join us for Christmas in Germany.
What a neat insect house!
There’s something really poetic about this boar in the fog that I like.
So here’s to Anneliese, my mama.
2023 and onwards will be a little harder without you, but wherever you are, I hope you know that we’ll be ok.